Today I want to show you some simple floral outfits, perfect for that roma gyaru look or kpop fashion.
I will be showing you two under $50 outfits, one for hotter and one for colder days!
Also I'm really happy in Poland Asian fashion is getting more and more popular ^o^

Each time I go to their site I'm like "woah, I need this... and this.. OMG I totally need this!!" ;w; <3

Also this summer/fall florals will be very popular. Because everyone needs more flowers~! ⎝(∩ ω ∩✿)⎠
Lato powolutku odchodzi, aż chce się je zatrzymać na troszkę dłużej ;w;
Dzisiaj pokażę Wam słodkie zestawy, idealne dla roma gyaru albo fanów kpopu :3 na cieplejszy i chłodniejszy dzień~
Zestawy są poniżej 150zł o3o! (no, prawie)
Jestem naprawdę szczęśliwa, że u nas coraz popularniejsze się robią mody azjatyckie! Sama kocham gyaru i muszę Wam powiedzieć, że jestem naprawdę szczęśliwa, że znalazłam! To duży internetowy sklep oferujący ogrom rzeczy dla fanów azjatyckich ubrań. Jest dużo tańszy i bardziej niezawodny niż ebay. Za każdym razem, kiedy wchodzę na ich stronę myślę sobie "łaaaa... jakie to śliczne *^* muszę to mieć! I to! I to! ;w; </3" (jestem pewna że będziecie myślały podobnie jak tam zajrzycie!)
Dress: $9.24 Coco-fashion
Bag: $12.25 Coco-fashion
Shoes: $14.69 Coco-fashion
Skirt: $9.71 Coco-fashion
Total: $45.9
And now something for a bit colder days/college days, I was inspired by one korean song (who will guess which one? o3o )
Pants: $11.14 Coco-fashion
Sweater: $12.41 Coco-fashion
Bag: $14.00 Coco-fashion
Shoes: $15.59 Coco-fashion
Total: $53.14
I'm so much hoping you like the outfits!
If you want to see even more amazing clothes with floral pattern, go to and browse through florals!
Mam nadzieję, że się wam podobają zestawy :) Założyłybyście coś takiego?
A właśnie, czy wiecie, że na coco-fashion możecie zmienić walutę na złotówki? Wystarczy kliknąć na currency i wybrać PLN ^o^
I like their site very much. Is so clear and you can choose colors of clothes in the menu on the left -and it will show you only clothes tagged as them - it's amazing!
You can also shop by style or pattern, very convienent! I can't wait to try out their clothes and when I do, I'll make sure to give you a long report and many pictures!
Also on their site is currently summer sale - ideal occasion to grab some bargains!
Thanks for sharing these outfits and this site! I just browsed through their clothes and I love them so much *-* I like the jackets and the hoddies there a lot~! <3 The shipping is fair too and not too expensive like on most korean clothings sites. I order a few clothes there in the future >u< hehheh
Thank you :*
DeleteI love them too! It's like, cheaper Lizlisa @w@
I don't know if it was your intention but the last outfit reminds me most of Lee Hi's Rose^^ I love both the outfits you've made, florals are so cute and I want to wear them all through the winter as well keke! :D x
ReplyDeleteHaha yes <3
Deleteand I want to wear them too! it's like, why only in summer? As if flowers didn't grow and bloom in winter >.>
ohmygawsh I love these outfits *-* and your blog is so pretty the petal effect is so cool~ I love the asian style so much I wish I lived in Japan or Korea ;3;
ReplyDelete~Kristina ♡
thank you *^* <3 (my friends say the petals make my blog look illegible ;w;) but I love them too much too ;w;
DeleteOMG we are just the same <3 however I'd look silly there (I'm tall&blonde lol)
I'm checking out your blog <3
i love that cream skirt, its so feminine and perfect for any season!
thank you for sharing these gets from coco fashion, i love the way you paired both of the outfits, so adorable!♡
(Join my blog International Giveaway ♡! 21 items- lots of Japanese makeup and beauty products including cosmetics from Diamond Beauty, Candydoll, Dollywink, etc!)
I'm absolutely loving that flower sweater! *__* It's so cute, hehe~ Thanks for sharing such cute clothes from coco-fashion, I love that store!~
ReplyDeleteJunniku blog [Click!]
- A Korean fashion, beauty and lifestyle blog!
Your outfit ideas are soo cute!!!!
ReplyDeleteI really like the skirt and the floral sweater~~~
is coco-fashion reliable? I want to buy stuff for there but I'm not sure if its safe...
check out my blog maybe please?
Thank you for sharing this! I love floral dresses :)
ReplyDeleteNew follower here :> Follow back on GFC?:>
Hello :) thank you! I'll follow you too :3